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Chiropractic Care for Seniors In Oxnard, CA

Seniors Chiropractor Oxnard CA Near Me

Many changes occur as we age, but some of the most common are changes in our bones, joints, and muscles. Our bones may become thinner and more brittle, leading to fractures more easily. The cartilage between our joints may wear down, leading to pain and stiffness. And our muscles may lose mass and strength, making it harder to do everyday activities.

Chiropractic care for seniors can address all these changes. Chiropractors can help keep our bones and joints healthy and mobile and can help us keep our muscles strong and flexible. This can help us stay active and independent as we age.

Several factors can contribute to the acceleration of these changes as we age. One crucial factor is that our cells gradually lose their ability to regenerate as we age. This means they cannot heal as quickly or efficiently after being damaged. Additionally, our bones may become weaker and more prone to fracturing as we age. This is due in part to the natural loss of bone density that occurs with age. Finally, our muscles may also start to deteriorate as we get older, leading to a decrease in strength and mobility.

The health of your spine is crucial to your overall health at any age. However, spinal health becomes even more critical as you get older. The discs between the vertebrae of your spine cushion and protect your spinal cord. They also act as shock absorbers, helping to keep your spine healthy and mobile. As you get older, these discs can start to shrink, leading to pain and stiffness in the spine. Chiropractic care can help restore your spine’s health and improve your overall quality of life, even in later years. Chiropractors use various techniques to help improve spinal health, including massage, manipulation, and adjustment. Chiropractic care can help you stay active and mobile well into old age by keeping your spine healthy.

Common Conditions We Treat For Seniors


Many seniors suffer from arthritis, a condition that affects the joints and causes pain and inflammation.

Chiropractic care for arthritis is different from the conventional medical model because it focuses on treating the root cause of the problem rather than just treating the symptoms. Chiropractors believe that arthritis is caused by misalignments in the spine, which can create tension and pressure on the nerves. They can help to realign the spine and relieve the pressure on the nerves, which can help to reduce the symptoms of arthritis. Chiropractors also use various techniques to help reduce inflammation and pain, such as massage, ice packs, and electrical stimulation. They may also offer exercises and advice on how to manage arthritis pain.


Neuropathy is a condition that affects the nerves, and it can cause a wide variety of symptoms. These symptoms can include pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness. There are many different neuropathy causes, and it can occur in any part of the body.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to treating neuropathy, but chiropractic care may help. Chiropractors use a variety of techniques to adjust the spine and relieve tension in the muscles. This can help improve blood flow and reduce inflammation. In some cases, chiropractic care may also help restore damaged nerves’ function.

Chronic Pain Relief

Chronic pain is one of the most common health issues faced by seniors and often has lasting effects on their quality of life. It can interfere with the ability to participate in daily activities and can lead to depression, anxiety, and other psychological disorders. Chronic pain can also lead to increased blood pressure and heart rate and decreased oxygen saturation levels in the blood, which can result in a higher risk of developing cardiovascular problems.

Furthermore, chronic pain has been linked with decreased mobility, leading to an increased risk of falls or other injuries in seniors. It may also contribute to depression and fatigue, making it difficult for seniors to stay active and participate in activities they enjoy. Additionally, some studies have even suggested that chronic pain can decrease cognitive functioning due to the strain it places on an individual’s mental health.

Chiropractic care is one way to alleviate symptoms associated with chronic pain while providing seniors with the chance to take part in natural treatment methods without using medications. Chiropractic care utilizes manual adjustments and other treatments – such as massage therapy, exercise therapy, and lifestyle modifications aimed at helping reduce inflammation – to restore joint function and range of motion, helping seniors stay active, maintain independence, and enjoy a better quality of life despite their chronic condition.


Chiropractors use various techniques designed to help seniors improve their balance and reduce the risk of falls. This includes manual manipulation, mobilization, and exercises targeting specific areas such as the feet, ankles, hips, back, and neck. Depending on the individual’s needs and limitations, chiropractors can also recommend assistive devices or lifestyle modifications to promote improved balance.

Joint Pain

As we age, our joints start to hurt for a variety of reasons. One primary reason is that our joints become less flexible and more prone to injury or degeneration with age. This can result from decreased levels of hormones such as estrogen in women or testosterone in men, which helps lubricate and protect cartilage and bones. Additionally, our bones may become more brittle due to decreased calcium, leading to increased stiffness and reduced range of motion.

When it comes to joint pain specifically, some people may experience joint inflammation because of wear and tear over time or from chronic diseases like arthritis—a common condition that affects nearly one in seven adults aged 65 and older. Osteoarthritis occurs when cartilage breaks down faster than it rebuilds over time. Other medical conditions, such as gout, may also contribute to joint pain.

Moreover, the aging process also affects our muscles; they tend to become weaker with age due to a loss of muscle tissue and decreased protein production. This can lead to reduced strength and flexibility of the muscles which support our joints—making them more prone to injury and discomfort when subjected to certain activities such as walking or climbing stairs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do chiropractors know where to adjust?

Chiropractors use various techniques to determine the source of pain or discomfort, such as physical exams, X-rays, and other imaging tests. Through these assessments, chiropractors can identify areas of misalignment in the spine, muscular tension, and other issues that often cause pain. By examining movement patterns and palpating various joints, chiropractors can pinpoint exactly where adjustments should be made to restore proper alignment and improve overall flexibility and health.

Is chiropractic care safe for seniors?

Seniors should absolutely consider visiting a chiropractor, as they can benefit greatly from chiropractic care. Chiropractic treatment for seniors is an effective way to manage chronic pain in seniors and can help reduce joint stiffness, improve posture, and increase range of motion. There are also a variety of other benefits that chiropractic care can provide for older people, including improved balance and coordination, improved mobility and flexibility, better sleep quality, and reduced stress levels. Regular visits to a chiropractor can also help seniors stay active by reducing the risk of falls or other injuries.

Can chiropractic adjustment cause arthritis?

No, chiropractic adjustments do not cause arthritis. In fact, recent studies show that chiropractic treatments are beneficial for seniors who suffer from joint stiffness and arthritis-related pain due to the adjustment techniques used to reduce inflexibility in the spine and other joints, improve posture and movement, increase range of motion, and restore mobility.

Can chiropractic care help with neuropathy?

Yes, chiropractic care can help with neuropathy in seniors. Neuropathy is a common problem in this age group. It can be effectively managed by chiropractic care, which often includes manipulation of the spine, massage therapy, exercise, and sometimes lifestyle modifications such as dietary changes. Chiropractors are trained to identify neuropathic pain syndromes and specialize in creating treatment plans to relieve pain and other associated symptoms caused by neuropathy.