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Alternative Medicine Specialist In Oxnard, CA

Alternative and complementary medicine is founded on embracing all effective paths to healing, not just the ones laid out in traditional mainstream medicine. Kalani Total Health Center in Oxnard, California, has a deep understanding of how holistic medicine can benefit patients and provides full spectrum care for health and wellbeing. Schedule a consultation with Kalani Total Health Center by calling the office or setting up an appointment online.

Alternative Medicine Q & A

What is alternative medicine?

Alternative medicine is an umbrella term that describes medical treatments outside traditional mainstream Western therapies. Usually used in combination with traditional medicine, alternative or complementary medicine refers to both treatments performed by professionals and small changes you can make to your lifestyle right away.

Essentially, alternative medicine is a philosophy that embraces all possible avenues to a full and speedy recovery.

What kinds of treatments are used in alternative medicine?

Acupressure, massage, and chiropractic adjustments involve the simple application of pressure and force to help the body heal. Other outpatient procedures offered by Kalani Total Health Center, such as injections of B12 vitamin to increase energy or trigger point injections to treat pain, can make a big difference in wellbeing. Even advanced techniques like platelet-rich plasma injections or stem cell therapy are considered alternative medicine.

These are often effective methods for recovering from injury, reducing pain and inflammation, and improving emotional health, especially when used in conjunction with traditional medical techniques.

Small lifestyle changes such as adjusting your diet, identifying and avoiding allergens, or adding nutritional herbal supplements to your routine are also elements of alternative medicine. Embracing this holistic approach to healing often yields big results.

What kinds of lifestyle changes are often recommended as part of alternative medicine?

Dietary and nutritional changes are among the key recommendations we make to our patients. Whether through a nutritional plan that our team will develop with you or with a Standard Process™ supplement plan, it’s important to make sure your body gets the fuel it needs.

It’s equally important to remember what your body doesn’t need. Allergy testing can be an important step in improving your life. Some people have allergies without even realizing it, only noticing the difference when they remove the trigger item from their diet. By eliminating an allergen from your diet, you may experience an immediate improvement in uncomfortable or painful symptoms.

In addition to diet, you may also benefit from exercise or a daily stretching regimen. The team at Kalani Total Health Center will work with you to develop a comprehensive alternative medicine plan.

Book an appointment for you or a family member now through the online tool or by calling the office.