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Chiropractic Care for Senior Citizens In Oxnard, CA

Chiropractic Care for Senior Citizens | Chiropractor for Seniors in Oxnard, CA

Hello, Hi everyone. I’m Dr. Tom Johnson for Kalani Total Health Center. Today we were talking about care for senior citizens, chiropractic care for senior citizens and how we care for our patients at the clinic. Let’s get started.

We Start with a Chiropractic Consultation and Exam

First and foremost, the caring process or the treatment process starts with a comprehensive consultation evaluation of your health condition, your pain, your dysfunction, and any functional deficits you may have weakness, reduction of motion, stiffness, tightness, etc. This starts with sitting down with one of our best doctors and going through a complete health history and injury history or current health history, goals of care health goals, and then jumping into a comprehensive physical examination of your bones, joints and soft tissues your posture and range of motion, completing the orthopedic testing or neurological testing, ordering any additional imaging or laboratory testing we may need to clarify your proper diagnosis. Next, specific treatments once we arrive at the exact diagnosis now we can develop a game plan or a treatment plan how to best serve and care for you. We are specialists and care better for senior citizens and geriatric populations.

We Have Treatment Options Specifically for Seniors

We have many forms of treatments, both very soft forms using different mechanical devices and machines to more traditional treatments as well. We then go into active care, giving our patients active care, therapeutic exercises corrective care exercises that are geared to help correct the cause your pain and get you moving better getting get stronger, getting you more flexible, giving you that quality of life that we’re seeking. Next, we have customized programs to that we can integrate the different services in the clinic for massage therapy, acupuncture, medical services, clicker nutrition, chiropractic, physical therapy, all our therapy therapies that we can provide for you and integrate into a care treatment plan for you. Other services like deep tissue laser can help wind down the pain inflammation you may be experiencing as well. This all starts with giving us a call make an appointment with one of our doctors come into the clinic and sit down with that initial consultation and physical exam. What are you waiting for? Let’s get started.

We’re eagerly waiting and excited to help you and get everyone better. I’m Dr. Tom Johnson from Kalani Total Health Center your one stop Holistic Health Care shop.
Mahalo Aloha!

Kalani Total Health Center

Dr. Kalani Jose founded Kalani Total Health Center after the healing abilities of chiropractic changed his life. After injuring his lower back at work, he worried he might never walk again, and his doctor told him there was nothing more traditional medicine could do. But one chiropractic adjustment would change his life. Not only did it heal his back, but Dr. Kalani discovered the transformative power of chiropractic medicine and dedicated his life to using it to help others.